Saturday, April 3, 2021

20 ways to pick yourself up when you are down - real responses

 What picks you up when you are feeling down in the dumps? This was the the question on a popular Tweeter feed that caught our attention. 

Of course, the most common remedy to brightening up someone's mood was...guess what? 


What about booze and drug?

According to the Tweeter responses, no one seriously said booze or drug. The couple of the responses, did, make mention of it but sarcastically.

20 ways to pick me up when i am down

So what is the #1 pick me up-erer?

As mentioned, music is number one pick me up-erer when you're feeling down as according to the Twitter responses. 

Many of the respondents thought that music has always been the go-to option to brighten an otherwise stressful or sad day.

20 ways to brightens your mood

So here is the compilation of 20 activities, other than music, that can lift you up when you are feeling down.

  1. Listening to Music 
  2. Writing
  3. Reading
  4. Art/painting
  5. Chatting with Friends and Family
  6. Playing with children
  7. Watching a good comedy
  8. Watch a fun movies/TV program
  9. Taking a break outside/fresh air
  10. Doing Exercise 
  11. Hug 😀
  12. Sex
  13. Food/chocolate/coffee 
  14. Meditation 
  15. Chilling with pets
  16. Spending time in the garden
  17. Reading inspiring quotes
  18. Hot shower
  19. Listening to TED Talk
  20. Singing favorite songs 
Know that only a few things, maybe just one thing upsets you or temporarily dents your spirit. But for one, there are 20 ways, even more ways to make you feel whole again.

So, next time you feel down, you can pick yourself up.

If there is anything you think we should include, please let us know in the comment section. Or if the is a favourite music that always picks you up, when you are down, let us know below.

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