Thursday, May 27, 2021

How to make a PNG Highlands Mumu

Pigs have been considered important and held in high esteem in both traditional and modern cultures in Papua New Guinea. There are several ways of killing, preparing and cooking pigs in different parts of the country. 

In this short clip, we show you how prep is done during a big Mumu (traditional earth-oven cooking)

The steps: How to make a PNG Highlands Mumu

  1. Prep the pig, kaukau, vegetables and earth oven for cooking (can take up to 5 hours)
  2. Heat stone for 3-5 hours
  3. Remove pigs hair using hot water (some cultures burn the hair)
  4. Cook everything in the earth oven and leave for 3 - 4 hours

PNG Highlands Mumu - a community affair

It is important to note that preparation and cooking is NOT one man's job. It is a community effort where everyone helps out to get this massive operation from start to finish.

Meals are shared among every house in the community and everyone would have had something to eat.

Though it looks hard, it has been a tradition that food, meals preparation.... bring families together and makes the community strong.


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